
PDAC Convention

Toronto, Canada

PDAC, The World’s Premier Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention. The annual award winning PDAC Convention in Toronto, Canada brings together up to 30,000 attendees from over 130 countries for its educational programming, networking events, business opportunities and fun. Since it began in 1932, the convention has grown in size, stature and influence. Today, it is the...

World Copper Conference and CESCO Week

This unique gathering provided incomparable networking and market intelligence, giving attendees the opportunity to make valuable connections with industry peers, and build their professional network in a business social environment. Attendees benefited from the latest intel on supply, demand, prices in the refined copper, concentrates and recycling markets. As well as access to networking opportunities...

2025 (20th) SMM Copper Industry Conference and Expo

2025 (20th) SMM Copper Industry Conference and ExpoLooking ahead to 2025, we anticipate a series of complex and volatile challenges for the global economy. The Federal Reserve is expected to enter a cycle of interest rate cuts, a policy shift with far-reaching implications for global financial markets. Meanwhile, as the U.S. election concludes, uncertainty surrounding...

Congreso Internacional de Prospectores y Exploradores – proEXPLO

Sobre proEXPLO 2025 Por su interesante programa de conferencias y la alta calidad de los expositores invitados, el Congreso Internacional de Prospectores y Exploradores - proEXPLO se ha convertido en uno de los principales encuentros geológico-mineros de América Latina y en una reunión obligatoria para las empresas y profesionales que trabajan en la exploración.

The 12th International Copper Conference (Copper 2025)

The 12th International Copper Conference (Copper 2025)—the largest copper technical conference with a tradition of more than 30 years—will once again feature sessions on mining, mineral processing, pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, process control, and instrumentation. Co-located with Extraction 2025, the conference will also offer cross-cutting symposia that will involve discussions on topics such as economics, recycling,...